Bright beautiful pink rosehip and decorative rose flowers
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  • Photo title: Bright beautiful pink rosehip and decorative rose flowers
  • Author: Luschikovvv
  • Cover photo description:
  • Bright beautiful pink rosehip and decorative rose flowers. Rosehip Rosea - this genus is a member of the Rose family. It has a large number of cultural forms, which are called Roses. According to information taken from various sources, this genus combines 400-500 species and about 50 thousand hybrids and cultivars. Even Theophrastus, Herodotus and Pliny wrote about the species diversity of wild rose. During the Renaissance, this culture was classified by dividing it into cultural and wild species based on the number of petals in the flowers. But K. Linnaeus also noticed that rosehip is difficult to classify because of the hybridization of roses. To date, there is no accurate data on how many species of rosehip grow in natural conditions. This plant is common in temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern hemisphere. In regions with a tropical climate, you can also meet rosehip, but much less often. Rosehip prefers to grow in groups or singly on the edges of mixed and deciduous forests, along rivers and springs, on rocky and clay banks, in coniferous undergrowth, in woodlands, on plains, in wet meadows, as well as at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level.
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