ash covered rose, leaves and petals. smoke, ashes, fire, flames, embers, powder, explosion, mist, fog, fantasy, surreal, abstract.
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  • Photo title: ash covered rose, leaves and petals. smoke, ashes, fire, flames, embers, powder, explosion, mist, fog, fantasy, surreal, abstract.
  • Author: houchi
  • Cover photo description:
  • This close-up image captures the intricate details of a vibrant rose. The petals exhibit a stunning array of colors, transitioning from shades of teal and purple to soft pink, red, blood red. creating an atmosphere of romance and beauty. The raindrops glisten on the petals, enhancing the sense of freshness and vitality.However, an air of surrealism and fantasy is introduced by the elements of smoke, ashes, and embers that seem to emanate from the flower's core. These abstract features create a dreamlike and otherworldly quality to the scene. The background, shrouded in mist and fog, deepens the sense of mystery and enchantment.The juxtaposition of the rose's delicate beauty with the surreal and slightly eerie elements, such as the optical illusion of dripping colors and the presence of ashes and embers, adds a sense of intrigue and complexity to the image. It's as if the viewer is peering into a mystical realm where nature and fantasy intertwine, sparking the imagination with thoughts of love and magic.
  • Image ID:291153705
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