brain neurontransmitters neurodegeneration, neurogenesis and neuromodulation in tackling neurological disorders with Neuroimaging.
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  • Photo title: brain neurontransmitters neurodegeneration, neurogenesis and neuromodulation in tackling neurological disorders with Neuroimaging.
  • Author: Rohmannl
  • Cover photo description:
  • Generative AI Brain neuron neuro transmitters, neurodegeneration, neurogenesis, and neuromodulation converge in this illuminating image, exploring their pivotal roles in tackling neurological disorders through advanced Neuroimaging techniques. The graphic provides a comprehensive insight into the intricate dynamics of the brain's molecular and cellular processes.Neuron transmitters, acting as chemical messengers, play a central role in intercellular communication, crucial for understanding the pathophysiology of neurological disorders. Keywords such as neurodegeneration, the progressive loss of neuronal structure and function, underscore the urgency in addressing these conditions.The depiction of neurogenesis, the formation of new neurons, adds a hopeful dimension, suggesting regenerative potentials within the brain. Neuromodulation, the regulation of neural activity, emerges as a key strategy for influencing and altering the course of neurological disorders.Neuroimaging takes center stage, illustrating advanced technologies that enable the visualization of structural and functional changes in the brain. This multidisciplinary approach integrates scientific concepts seamlessly, making it a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and enthusiasts in the field of neuroscience.The absence of conjugations maintains clarity, allowing the viewer to focus on the crucial keywords and their interconnections. This graphic visual narrative, inviting contemplation on the potential breakthroughs in neurological research on neurotransmitters and the promising avenues for intervention and treatment.
  • Image ID:302418054
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